Updating You Guys!

It's been a bit. 
Lemme fill you in.

I have been working on the game as fast as I usually did. That is to say...relatively slow. Executive dysfunction and all that junk. Or at least I think that's what it is.
I've been making a few substantial changes to the way certain classes, and mechanics work. For instance, 
- EVERY class type (except infantry), will have a special skill attached to them.
- Every advanced class will have a unique skill attached to them
- Some character's stats, growths, skills, and classes will be reworked
- Dyreblods work like FE9 Laguz unit
-Writing Stuff
-And more!

You may be thinking, "Blazer! That's great! Can I play it now?"
...Not yet. Sorry.

For starters, did I ever tell you that because I started writing this game when I was younger and stupider, that it doesn't have a script ? No? Yeah it doesn't have a script. I'm in the middle of taking what I do have in engine, and making that into the script.
Like I should've been doing AGES AGO-

Second, I see flaws in the game. Flaws that are obvious and need to be edited and changed. Specifically in the early chapters. Not to say that I think they're bad, per say. Just...not the best. I want to fix them up a bit if possible.

Third, I am working on a smaller side project. For fun. It'll be a smaller one. But still. I gotta work on that.

And finally, while I do still intend on adding all the chapters in the next update, there is a serious chance that I either won't be able to, or those chapters will not have much of a script. So uhh...bear with me, I guess.

Though, Chapter 2X is being evil again, so I will probably release a patch to that soon. Just be warned. When I do, you may have to completely restart. Again. This is the kind of jank you need to just accept with SRPG Studio games. When you change material (character sprites or maps), the game gets confused when they aren't there, and responds by crashing the game. This is the easiest way to avoid that mess. Apologies.

With that being said, I hope to update you again soon!

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